As promised here are the processes and photos for my Winding Blades triangular block. Some of the photos are a little dark - I apologise - I couldn't get the flash to work this morning.
You will need:
1 light or medium fabric
1 medium or dark fabric
Layer your two fabrics right sides together and cut:
one 6 3/4 inch square - we'll work on this first
one 3 5/8 inch square - set this one aside for a sec.
From these we will get 10 little 3" Half Square Triangle (HST) units
1. Making the HST
On the 6 3/4 in square lightly mark TWO diagonal lines corner to corner.
Sew a scant 1/4 inch either side of these two lines - sewing 4 lines in total.
Once your lines are sewn, mark two additional lines through the centre to further divide the square - top to bottom and side to side.
So now you have 4 lines, 2 going corner to corner, one horizontal and one vertical all going through the centre of the square. Cut on the marked lines. 4 cuts.
You now have 8 little HST.
To make the remaining 2 HST take your 3 5/8" square. Mark ONE diagonal line and sew a scant 1/4" either side of the line. Then cut on the line. This gives you 2 more HST.
Press open. Trim up the HST if necessary to achieve 3" squares.
2. Cutting the 5 setting triangles.
From your darker fabric cut one 4 3/4 " square. Then cut this square into 4 diagonally - giving you 4 little triangles.
Use one of these triangles as a template to cut the fifth triangle making sure the long edge is on the straight grain.
So you now have five triangles from the darker fabric and ten 3" HST units
3. Assembling the triangular block.
Lay out the HST in 4 rows as illustrated below. I found it easier to lay them out "on point" as they will go in the block. Make sure the darker half of the HST is to the top.
Lay the 5 triangles at the end of each row. Long (straight edge) side at the bottom.
Sew units into strips.
Sew strips together matching intersections, to form the triangle.
You're finished!
Thank you once again. I hope that these instructions are clear and that you enjoy making my block.
Happy sewing! K
Great instructions Kate, I'm off to look for suitable fabric now.